

  1. Degradation of azo dye under visible light irradiation over nanographene oxide zinc oxide nanocomposite as catalyst. Shanty Mathew, Aneesha Antony, H Kathyayini, Applied Nanoscience, 2019,
  1. Test case generation process using soft computing techniques. Harshvardhan Tiwari, et al., IJITEE, 2019, 9(1), 4824-4831
  2. Growth of endotaxial Ge nanocrystals in Si(100) matrix via low energy ion implantation. Susheel Kumar, Puspendu Guha, B Sundaravel, Umananda M Batta, Applied Physics A, 2019
  3. Growth of embedded Ge nanoclusters inside spatially confined SiO2 matrix. G Susheel Kumar, Puspendu Guha, Kiran Nagarajappa, Umananda M Batta, Physica E: Low dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2019, 114
  4. Ex vivo culture of oral keratinocytes using direct explant cell culture technique. Roopa Reddy, et al., Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology, 2019, 23 (2), 243- 247
  5. Sustained Local Delivery of Diclofenac from Three-Dimensional Ultrafine Fibrous Protein Scaffolds with Ultrahigh Drug Loading Capacity. Narendra Reddy, et al., Nanomaterials, 2019,9(7), 918. DOI: doi:10.3390/nano9070918
  6. Antimicrobial natural cellulose fibers from Hyptissuaveolens for potential biomedical and textile applications. VijaykumarGuna, Nagananda G S, M G Ananthaprasad, Krishna Venkatesh, Narendra Reddy, et al., Journal of Natural Fibres
  7. Mitigation of drought stress by Priformosporaindica in Solanummelongena L. cultivars. S Swetha, et al., Narl. Acad. Sci., India, Sect. B Biol. Sci., 2019
  8. Stem-cell therapy and platelet-rich plasma in regenerative medicines:A review on pros and cons of the technologies. Roopa Reddy, et al., Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Pathology
  9. Alanine dehydrogenase and its applications – A review. Ravi Kumar K, et al, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2019, 39(5), 648-664.
  10. Influence of Alkali Treatment on the Physicochemical and Mechanical Properties of Starch Chitosan Films. Sakkara, Seema, DivyaNataraj, Krishna Venkatesh, and Narendra Reddy, Starch‐Stärke, 2019,71(3-4). DOI: org/10.1002/star.201800084
  11. Electroactive Li incorporated cobalt oxide nanostructures for photocatalytic applications. M S Santosh, et al., Materials Research Express,6
  12. Molecular mechanisms for the destabilization of model membranes by islet amyloid polypeptides. MadhihalliBasavarajuDivakara, Ashwini Ravi, Veer Bhavana, M S Santhosh, et al., Biophysical Chemistry, 2019, 245,34-40
  13. Facile microwave- assisted synthesis of zinc oxide and characterization. Lakshminarayana K G Bhatta, U M Bhatta and K Venkatesh, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 78, 173-176
  14. Test case generation process using soft computing techniques. HarshvardhanTiwari, et al., IJITEE, 2019, 9(1), 4824-4831
  15. Hybrid CPU-GPU model based simulation of spiking neural networks using a look-up table. S Balaji, et al., IJITEE, 2019,8(6S), 328-333
  16. Protein-protein docking using multi- dimensional spherical basis functions on high performance computing platform. S Balaji, et al., IJITEE, 2019,8(6S)
  17. Hybrid CPU-GPU co-processing scheme for simulating spiking neural networks. S Balaji, et al., IJRTE, 2019,8(4S2), 693- 696
  18. Hybrid parallelization of protein- ligand docking using fast fourier transformations and rigid body conformation. S Balaji, et al., IJITEE, 2019,8(4S2), 157-160
  19. Fusion of image feature descriptiors for person re-identification. S Balaji, et al., IJEAT, 2019,10(10)
  20. A GPU optimized technique for scalable spiking neutral network simulation. S Balaji, et al., IJRTE, 2019, 8(3),4612-4616
  21. Metaheuristics based optimization technique for protein- ligand docking. S Balaji, et al., IJRTE, 2019, 8(3),4617-4622
  22. Whole –Cell Modelling and simulation: A brief survey. Nayana G Bhat and S Balaji, New Generation Computing, 2019
  23. Scoring function enrichment and optimization techniques for docking in heterogenous parallel platforms. S Balaji, et al., IJEAT, 2019, 8(5), 1933-1941
  24. Recent advancements in machine learning and artificial intelligence techniques for cancer diagnosis. S Balaji, Roopa Reddy, et al., IRJET, 2019, 6(5), 4599-4613
  25. Empirical analysis of spiking neural networks using CPU, GPU and GPU clusters. S Balaji, et al., International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology, 2019, 8(5), 1942-1950
  26. Improving wi-fi security against evil twin attack using light weight machine learning application. S Balaji, et al., Compusoft, An International journal of advanced computer technology, 2019, 8(3), 3075- 3078
  27. Proactive fault tolerant routing protocol for mobile WSN. Shymala C, Geetha Priya M, Sumithra Devi K A, International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2019, 9(1), 1892-1896
  28. A new low power 4T based three input universal gate for high speed applications. M Geetha Priya, Bimlendu Shahi, Divya Jha, Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 32
  29. Design analysis and implementation of a new reversible CIIRC® gate. D Krishnaveni and GeethaPriya M, JSIR, 2019, 78, 546-550
  30. An approach to measure snow depth of winter accumulation at basin scale using satellite data. GeethaPriya M and D Krishnaveni, World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Computer and Information Engineering, 2019, 13(2), 70-74
  31. Snow cover estimation of western Himalayas using sentinel-2 spatial resolution data. V Nagajothi, M GeethaPriya, et al., Indian Journal of Ecology, 2019, 46(10, 88-93
  32. Measurement to management: study of remote sensing techniques for flood disaster management. M GeethaPriya and Divya N, Journal of Remote Sensing & GIS, 2019, 10(1)
  33. Flood inundation mapping for using sentinel-1 SAR data for Assam during 2018. M Gomathi, M GeethaPriya, C ChandreGowda, et al., Research and Review: Journal of Space Science and Technology, 2019, 8(2)
  34. Performance evaluation of pisarenko harmonic decomposition and music like algorithms for narrowband spectrum sensing in cognitive radio. K Chandrasheakar., et al., Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, 2019, 78, 473-477
  35. Coffee Cultivation, Processing and Aroma: A Detailed Review. Soumitra Banerjee, Meghashree HM and Swarrna Haldar, Acta Scientific Nutritional Health, 2018, 3(4), 14-18
  36. Design and development of rapid and environment friendly conditioner for cashew nut processing. Soumitra Banerjee, et al., Journal of Food Process Engineering, DOI:
  37. Performance Evaluation of Cryogenic Treated and Untreated Carbide Inserts during Machining of AISI 304 Steel. Nagraj Patil, K. Gopalakrishna, B. Sangmesh, International Journal Of Automotive And Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 17(1), 7709 – 7718
  38. Effect of Cryogenic treatment on Tool Wear, Chip Thickness of Uncoated Carbide Insert during Machining with AISI304 Stainless Steel. Nagraj Patil, Gopalakrishna K, Sangmesh B,International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering, 2020, 8(9), 2561-2566
  39. Engineering Sustainable Waste Wool Biocomposites with High Flame Resistance and Noise Insulation for Green Building and Automotive Applications. Guna, Vijaykumar, C. B. Mohan, and Narendra Reddy, et al.,  Journal of Natural Fiber, 2019, 1-11. DOI:1080/15440478.2019.1701610
  40. Merging of solidus and liquidus curve in copper-nickel nanophase diagram due to segregation. Krishna Venkatesh, K Gopalakrishna, et al., Inst. Eng. India.Ser. D, 2019
  41. Experimental and theoretical prediction of Copper- Nickel nano-phase diagram, Krishna Venkatesh, Gopalakrishna K, et al., Materials Research Express, 2019, DOI: org/10.1088/2053-1591/ab2fba
  42. Vibration controllability of sandwich structures with smart materials of electrorheological fluids and magnetorheological material: A review. Krishna Venkatesh, et al., Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2019, Doi:
  43. Experimental investigation of damping effect in semi-active magnetorheological fluid sandwich beam under non-homogeneous magnetic field. Krishna Venkatesh, et al., Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2019, Doi:
  44. Nano CuO: Electrochemical sensor for the determination of paracetamol and d-glucose. S. Santosh, et al.,   J. Phys. Chem. Solids,2019, 134,193-200
  45. Investigation on the nature of catalytically active sites in non-crystalline aluminophosphates from 27 Al and 31P MAS_NMR studies. Kathyayini N, et al., Journal of Non- Crystalline Solids, 2019,(522)
  46. Growth of embedded Genanoclusters inside spatially confined SiO2 matrix: An in-situ TEM study. Susheel Kumar G, Umananda M Bhatta, et al., Physica E: Low- dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 2019, 114
  47. Growth of endotaxialGenanocrystals in Si(100) matrix via low- energy ion implantation. Susheel Kumar G, Umananda M Bhatta, et al., Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 2019, 874
  48. Fabrication and characterization of thermally oxidized TiO2 thin films on Si(100) substrates. R M Nagabharana, Susheel Kumar G, Umananda M Bhatta, et al., Indian Journal of Pure & Applied Physics, 2019, 732-7736
  49. Structural characterization of magnetron sputtered ZnO thin films on Si (100) using RBS, scanning and high resolution transmission electron microscopy methods. R M Nagabharana, N Kiran, Umananda M Bhatta, et al., Surfaces and Interfaces, 2019,15, 239-243
  50. Dehulled coffee husk-based Biocomposites for green building materials. VijaykumarGuna, Narendra Reddy, et al., Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials
  51. Valorization of sugarcane bagasse by developing completely biodegradable composites of industrial applications. VijaykumarGuna, Krishna Venkatesh, Narendra Reddy, et al., Industrial Crops and Products, 2019, 131, 25-31
  52. Biofibers and Biocomposites from sabai grass: A unique renewable resource. VijaykumarGuna, Nagananda G S, Krishna Venkatesh, Narendra Reddy, et al., Carbohydrate Polymers, 2019, DOI: