
CIIRC® has signed a number of collaborations for joint work/ research in pre-determined areas of inter-disciplinary nature to accentuate the call of the industry, academia and the student community, thus, meeting the larger sustenance needs of the society.

Such collaborations help CIIRC® and the industry in shouldering problems and issues specific to the industry and jointly propose viable and acceptable solutions that can be commercialized. 


National Collaborations 

  1. Adnano Technologies
  2. AGI Resources
  3. ALTA Energy Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
  4. Altem Technologies Pvt, Ltd.
  5. Azymes Biosciences Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
  6. Bombay Hemp Company Pvt. Ltd (BOHECO), Mumbai
  7. Circuit Centre, Bangalore
  8. Desicon Engineering, Bangalore
  9. Dover India Pvt. Ltd.
  10. First Source Impex Private Ltd.
  11. Genbioca Sciences
  12. Impact Engineering Solutions
  13. Isometric Solutions, Bangalore
  14. ITIE Knowledge Solutions, Bangalore
  15. Maiyas Beverages and Foods Private Limited
  16. Medisys
  17. Mithra Increst
  18. Modtech Engineering, Bangalore
  19. M.S. Clinical Research Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
  20. Rensol Power
  21. Saveer Matrixnano Pvt. Ltd.
  22. SJS Enterprises
  23. TUV Rheinland (India) Pvt. Ltd., Bangalore
  24. Vittarthaa Technologies LLP
  25. Vsix Analytical Labs Pvt. Ltd.

International Collaborations

  1. College of Tunghai University, Taiwan
  2. Escola Politecnica Da Universidade De Sao Paulo, Brazil
  3. LE System Co. Ltd., Japan
  4. National University of Science and Technology, MISIS, Moscow, Russia
  5. P N Lebedev Physical Institute of Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
  6. Zhejiang Sci-Tech University, PR China

Research Collaborations

  1. Karnataka State Sericulture Research & Development Institute
  2. National Remote Sensing Centre, ISRO, Hyderabad
  3. SAC, Indian Space Research Organization, Ahmedabad
  4. Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (S-VYASA), Bangalore
  5. CARI – AYUSH – GoI


National Collaborations 

  1. Adi Shankara Trust, Kerala
  2. AMC Engineering College, Bengaluru
  3. BMSCE, Bengaluru
  4. DSAEM, Bengaluru
  5. Indian Academy Degree College, Bangalore, Karnataka
  6. JNC, Bengaluru
  7. Karnataka State Sericulture research and Development Institute, Bengaluru
  8. Kongunadu College of Engineering & Tech., Trichy
  9. MCE, Hassan
  10. Nitte Deemed-to-be-University, Karnataka
  11. P. D. A College of Engineering, Kalburagi-Karnataka
  12. St. Joseph’s College of Arts and Science
  13. Vijaya Composite PU College