Faculty Profiles

Krishna Venkatesh, a GATE scholar, mechanical engineer by profession and an alumni of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, holds a Ph.D. in Nanoengineering. He has over 25 years of industrial, research, academic, consultancy and administrative experience. He is currently the Founder-Director of CIIRC®, the centralized research centre of Jyothy Institute of Technology, duly supported by Sri Sharada Peetham, Sringeri. CIIRC® is also a SIRO Centre recognized by DSIR. As Founding Director, he has established research cum incubation labs in 18 different domains of science & technology alongside an Atal Incubation Centre (AIC JIT Foundation) from NITI Aayog, GoI. He is also a member of the Vision Group on Nanotechnology, GoK, and Steering Committee Member, TUV Rheinland, Germany. He has also been the Executive Council Member of Visvesvaraya Technological University and Member, Karnataka Knowledge Commission (Unmanned Systems Technology).
During his two decade career, he has worked with NAL, BEML, IISc, DRDO, Visvesvaraya Technological University and Jain University in different capacities. Previously, at Jain University, he was responsible in shaping numerous initiatives and held concurrent roles as the Dean and Director of the Research and Engineering wing having been its Founder- Director. He was also responsible for the Technology Business Incubator (TBI) funded by DST and Alstom from France, being its CEO. He also instrumental in setting up a FIST centre from DST for an Advanced Instrument Facility. Additionally, he established the TUV Rheinland Energy programme and a programme on Food Technology funded by MOFPI.
He has completed numerous research projects and has been instrumental in CIIRC® getting more than 50 projects worth crores of Rupees, funded by DRDO, DOS, DST, DBT, DAE, DIC, MOES, NCAOR, VGST, AYUSH, NITI Aayog and several private bodies. Dr. Venkatesh has numerous research publications (80), citations (2300), products (5), monographs, book chapters and patents filed and granted to his credit. has been conferred with awards from Diamant of Germany, KSCST, Honeywell, Indian Institution of Engineers, and others. Additionally, he is the Director of Drone Aerospace, a company that is into the development of Micro Air Vehicles(MAVs). Drone Aero space represented India at The US Army Technology demonstration for Micro Air Vehicles and Unmanned ground vehicles and finished in the top 10 from among competitors competing worldwide in 2008; Drone Aero space also won the 2014 edition of National Programme on Micro Air Vehicles (NP-MICAV) event in mission mode sponsored by DRDO and CSIR.
His research interests include Tribology, Autonomous Systems and initiating start-ups. He is a Fellow of various professional bodies such as IEI, TSI, ISAMPE, IIPE and others, besides having been a delegate to various countries as part of FICCI, GoK, etc. An avid sports person, he represented the State and University in his younger years as a swimmer and is the recipient of many awards. Besides, he is into white water rafting and spice farming. He has officiated as the Technical Advisor to the teams that won the:
- 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013 SAE Aero Design USA Micro Air Vehicle Competition, ISRO Small Satellite Design, Indian National Academy of Engineering award for design of secondary payload for a microsatellite, Innovate India Award instituted by National Research Development Corporation, Govt. of India.
- Numerous other aero events organized by IITs, Boeing and others.

Gopalakrishna K holds a Master’s in mechanical engineering, having specialized in production engineering from the University of Mysore, and a Ph.D. in polymer tribology from NAL-VTU. He has an experience of more than 30 years in academics and research. In addition to tribology, his research and teaching interests include pneumatics and hydraulics, thermal engineering and engineering drawing. He is certified by industry major FESTO in the domain of mechatronics and has executed projects that have resulted in five patent filings. With significant research publications in reputed Scopus / Thomson Reuter indexed journals and a monograph to his credit, he has been active in developing autonomous systems for surveillance funded by Naval Research Board-DRDO, coating systems for RP Components by ISRO-DOS, and others. He was a consultant for Avni Energy and developed numerous products. He has supervised students for their doctoral work and is a reviewer for journal publications of Elsevier, Sage and Emerald. He is a fellow of professional bodies such as IEI, ISTE, ISAMPE, and TSI. His hobbies include singing and table tennis. Gopalakrishna is a professor at the Centre.
Email Id: gk@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Mohan C B has a Ph.D. in lubricant tribology from NAL-VTU, Master’s in manufacturing and Bachelor’s in mechanical engineering. He has 22 years of academic and research experience. His areas of interest include coolant tribology, development of additives, optimization of oil groove geometry, materials and manufacturing for use in autonomous and energy systems. He has several research publications in international journals and conferences to his credit. He is a life member of ISTE and TSI, Fellow of Institution of Engineers (FIE) and IIPE. Subjects that interest him are control engineering, theory of elasticity, theory of machines, metrology and measurements, non-conventional energy systems, and friction and wear of metals. He has guided many projects at post graduate and graduate levels. Mohan has been a consultant for the companies M/s Magnum Engineers Pvt. Ltd., Bengaluru, and M/s APRO Lubes Ltd. At M/s Magnum Engineers Pvt. Ltd., he was involved in the design and development of linear reciprocating tribometer for lubricants and coolants characterization. He was involved in the development of new additives for lubricants for slide way applications at M/s APRO Lubes Ltd. He was the coordinator for the student team, from Jain University, that participated in the SAE Aero competitions held at USA. Mohan is also a technical advisor to NDRF-IEI and worked on the development of a VTOL system funded by DRDO being the PI. Apart from academics and research activities, he also participated in extracurricular activities. His hobbies are music and reading books on philosophy. Mohan is currently a professor at the Centre.
Email Id: mohan.cb@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Balaji received his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, Bengaluru, in 1993. His thesis, S-NETS: A Tool for the Performance Evaluation of Hard Real-Time Scheduling Algorithms, is on hard real-time systems. His registration for M.Sc.(Engg.) in Fault-Tolerant Computing in the same department was upgraded in 1989 to Ph.D. due to the outstanding progress made at graduate level. He holds a Master’s Degree in Applied Mathematics from Anna University (1981) and a B.Sc. in Mathematics, Physics and Statistics from Madras University (1979).
Balaji is a technologist turned academician with a blend of academic and industrial experience, and expertise in successfully executing and managing R&D intensive projects. He has considerable experience in developing mission and safety critical applications and cutting-edge systems in embedded and mobile computing. He also brings vast experience at senior management levels during his stint in ISRO Satellite Centre, the country’s premier space research organization. His forte is in ensuring that all the functional units within an organization are aligned to deliver best value to the organization. His strong technical foundation and his experience at senior management levels help him move seamlessly between finance, administration, project management and engineering. He has defined and established software processes for developing mission and safety-critical space applications. He has architected several simulation packages for the design and design validation of attitude and orbit control systems of satellites. He has introduced numerous innovations for the design validation of spacecraft onboard sub-systems and developed advanced test systems to validate satellite control systems. He setup the facility for software development using high-level programming languages ADA, processor-based satellite control systems, institutionalized processes and methodologies for the development of such systems and has trained/mentored staff to deliver high integrity systems that meet critical spacecraft mission requirements. He has developed several in-house tools for software engineering and project management.
He has served at AMC Engineering College and City Engineering College in various capacities, such as Professor, Vice-principal and Principal. He, then, worked at the Centre for Emerging Technologies, Jain University, where he initiated research in the areas of bioinformatics, genomics and molecular modelling and simulation.
Balaji is a Fellow of IETE and a Senior Member of IEEE. He is a also member of ISTE, Astronautical Society of India, Association for Computing Machinery, and Institute of Smart Structures and Systems. His current research interests include heterogeneous parallel processing, data science and analytics, bioinformatics, genomics, computational sciences, modeling and simulation, video data mining and analytics, image processing, embedded and real-time computing, IoT, and mobile computing.
During his tenure at ISRO Satellite Centre, Balaji was (i) a member/convener of several software review committees, (ii) a member/convener of several software verification and validation committees, (iii) a member of Seminar Committee, (iv) a member of Library Committee, (v) Executive Secretary, Editorial Board, Journal of Spacecraft Technology, and (vi) Executive Secretary, Association for Autonomous and Fault-Tolerant Systems. He was the Organizing Secretary of the Information Technology Track of the Indian Science Congress, 2002.
Balaji has delivered invited talks on recent trends in computer science and engineering at various national conferences and workshops. He was a member of the Technical Committee of a few national conferences. He has been a member of the Board of Studies in Computer Science and Engineering in a couple of engineering colleges. He served as the internal representative of all Research Review Committees – Computer Science and Engineering, Jain University, from March 2014 – Jul 2016. He has been a member of the Comprehensive Examination Committees of VTU and has been a thesis examiner at Anna University. He is an Authorized Research Supervisor in Computer Science and Engineering at VTU, Jain University and Tumkur University. Nine scholars have successfully completed their Ph.D. degrees under his guidance. He has published over fifty research articles in refereed national and international journals. He has authored chapters in three books published by Springer and CRC Press. He is currently a Professor at the Centre.
Email Id: balaji.s@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Narendra Reddy is one of the prominent researchers in the field of biopolymeric materials. He obtained his doctoral degree from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in USA in the year 2006. He has published about 175 research papers in high impact journals, five books and 8 book chapters. He also holds an US patent. His work has been cited more than 8000 times and he has a high H Index (45) and I 10 index (116). His work has been reported by CNN, Discovery, Nature, American Chemical Society and other major news agencies. He was a recipient of the prestigious Ramalingaswami Fellowship from the Department of Biotechnology, Government of India. He has received fund for his research from DST, DBT and CEFIPRA (India-France joint funding). He is also the founder of a start-up “Agringenium Innovations Private Limited” which has been selected by Niti Aayog for funding through Atal New India Challenge (ANIC).
Email Id: narendra.r@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Kathyayini.Nagaraju currently works as a Professor at the Centre. An alumnus of Bangalore University, she obtained her M.Sc. and Ph.D. in Chemistry in 1994 and 2009 respectively. She has 20 years of research and teaching experience from reputed institutes. She undertook part of her doctoral work at the NMR unit of Namur University, Namur, Belgium, and worked on “Production, Characterization and Functionalization of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes”. She has published more than 45 research papers in peer reviewed national and international journals. She has received Achievement Award from JU in 2015 for publishing research articles in high impact factor journals. She also has received several BEST PAPER awards in national and international conferences. She is a reviewer for international journals such as Journal of Material Science and Australian Journal of Chemistry.
Kathyayini’s research interests are focused on the preparation and characterization of composites of multiwalled carbon nanotubes with transition metal oxides and their applications in super capacitors and in the synthesis of organic fine chemicals via heterogeneous catalysis. She has received project funds to the tune of Rs. 100.0 lakhs from different government funding agencies like DST-MES, NRB and NP-MICAV to carry out research in the area of heterogeneous catalysis and super capacitors. She is a member of American Chemical Society, The Electrochemical Society of India, The Luminescence Society of India and Indian Society for Technical Education. She has been guiding several B.E. and M.Tech. student projects in the field of Nanotechnology. She has guided four Ph.D. students; five others are currently working for their doctoral degree from JU and VTU in the areas of heterogeneous catalysis /supercapacitors.
Email Id: kathyayini.h@ciirc.jyothiit.ac.in

Ravi Kumar Kadeppagari obtained his education from premier institutes of India, such as Regional Institute of Education (constituent of NCERT), Pondicherry Central University and Central Food Technological Research Institute (constituent of CSIR). He has overseas postdoctoral experience at Northwestern University, Chicago, and LSU Health Sciences Center, New Orleans, USA. He was a recipient of the Young Scientist Research Grant from DST- SERB, New Delhi, and has completed projects from DRDO, DST, VGST and MOFPI. He played a major role in setting up a Food Technology Division at Jain University by obtaining an infrastructural grant from Ministry of Food Processing Industries, New Delhi. He was the Editorial Board Member of American Journal of Bioscience & Bioengineering and the Associate Editor of Journal of Analytical & Pharmaceutical Research. He is an active reviewer for SCI/SCOPUS indexed international journals such as Starch, Current Microbiology, International Journal of Food Science & Technology, Journal of Separation Science, Journal of Chromatography-B, International Journal of Pharmacy & Pharmaceutical Sciences, Phytochemical Analysis, Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, FEMS Microbiology Letters, etc. He is a biotechnology consultant at international consulting agencies such as ‘Zintro’ and ‘Acabiz’. He is also a mentor for start-ups.
He has research publications in Scopus and SCI indexed international journals and patents to his credit. He has also supervised doctoral and master students, and is a life member of the Society of Biological Chemists, Association of Microbiologists of India, Indian Science Congress Association, Luminescence Society of India, Institute of Smart Structures & Systems, Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India), and Society for Biotechnologists (India). He served as the Chairman of Board of Examiners, Food Technology, Jain University. He received the achievement award for his research contributions from Jain University Trust. He has also received junior and senior research fellowships from CSIR, New Delhi. He currently works as Professor at the Centre. His current research focuses on applications of enzymes, enzyme inhibitors, nanomaterials and biosensors in the food, health, biotech and environmental areas.
Email Id: ravikumar.k@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

M G Anantha Prasad is a Professor at the Centre. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Industrial Production from Bangalore University, Master’s in Product Design & Manufacturing and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from VTU. He has 15 years of experience in academics and 2 years of industrial experience. He has executed sponsored projects on Entrepreneurship. Some of the innovative projects that have been executed are: Conversion of walking stick into chair, Energy park and Banana Peeling Machine under the sponsorship of state’s Science and Technology Council. His areas of interests are in biofuels, advanced materials, cryogenic effect on materials and product design. Prasad has been at the forefront of many entrepreneurship development initiatives supported by DST and EDI. He has several publications to his credit besides being fellow of various professional bodies and projects from DIC in the domain of rapid prototyping. Prasad is also the recipient of the Commonwealth Fellowship from UK in the year 2015. He has worked at other institutions in various capacities.
Email Id: anantha.mg@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Lakshminarayana Bhatta obtained his Doctoral degree from VTU for his work, “Studies on Novel Sorbents for CO2 Capture for Environmental Applications”, that he undertook jointly with BHEL and CPRI. With a Master’s in Chemistry from Kuvempu University, Karnataka, he started his career in a pharmaceutical industry in Bangalore, as a quality control executive. He has good exposure to various pharmaceutical industrial practices and obtained first-hand experience in handling various chemical instruments, including GC, HPLC, FTIR, and AAS. His fascination for teaching led him to join BMS College of Engineering, Bangalore, as a lecturer. Prior to his current affiliation, he served in different educational institutions in various capacities, motivating students to develop creative ways to acquire knowledge and skills, and put them into practice. He has taught several courses, including engineering chemistry, environmental studies, fundamentals of chemistry and physical chemistry.
Few years ago, the current global challenges such as energy crisis and climate change caught his attention and motivated him to focus his interest on energy and environment. Since then, he has been working on the development of solid sorbents for CO2 capture, microbial fuel cells, and biofuels. He has taught allied courses such as environmental engineering and climate change technology for master’s programs in energy engineering and energy management. He has guided many postgraduate research projects and successfully completed projects funded by DRDO, GTRE and TUV. He has several publications to his credit and authored a text book, “Environmental Studies”, for engineering students of VTU. He is a member of several technical non-profit organizations. His research interests include energy efficiency, environmental engineering, carbon footprint, and green chemistry. His interests and hobbies include reading Kannada literature, writing articles for magazines and newspapers, trekking, nature-watching, travelling, listening to Indian classical music, and interacting with people from all walks of life to better understand fellow human beings. He currently works as a Professor at the Centre.
Email ID: lakshmi.nb@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in
Google Scholar:https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=BMegHPMAAAAJ&hl=en

Geetha Priya, an alumni of Anna University, obtained her Bachelor’s (E&C), Master’s and Doctoral degree from Anna University, Chennai, in the faculty of Information & Communication Engineering. She is currently working as Professor at the Centre. Her areas of research include Signal processing, Optical & microwave Remote sensing, GIS and Polar Cryosphere. She has more than 17 years of experience in different domains of academics and research with numerous research publications in peer reviewed high impact journals to her credit besides 2 products and 3 patent filings.
Dr. Geetha currently has completed sponsored projects from Indian Space research Organization (ISRO), Department of Science & Technology (DST), Ministry of Earth Sciences (MOES), and Vision Group of Science & Technology (VGST). Currently, she is actively carrying out research in the area of Remote Sensing which includes Polar Cryosphere and disaster management studies. Dr. Geetha was a member of the Indian Scientific Expedition to the Arctic (North Pole)- Summer-2019 logistically funded by NCPOR, MOES, GoI, and became the first Indian team to fly UAVs (Drones) in the North Pole to undertake remote sensing activity. The other members of the team included scientists from JNU, NCPOR, NIO, GSI and IISER (K). She has also extensively undertaken field visits in the Himalayas and Karakoram for ground truth verification. Besides, she is a trained mountaineer having trained at the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. She is also a DGCA licensed UAV pilot.
Her other activities include supervision of doctoral scholars, post graduate and under graduate student projects. She is a life member of various professional bodies such as IETE, IAENG, ISG, IEI and has been a reviewer for various journals and conferences.

M. Narendra kumar is a Professor at CIIRC®. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Bangalore University, a GATE scholar with Master’s in Energy Technology from Pondicherry University and a Ph.D in Heat Transfer & CFD from V.T.U. He has a combined experience of 18 years in academia, research, and industry. His research and teaching interests includes Heat Transfer, Thermodynamics, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Fluid Dynamics, Refrigeration & Air Conditioning, Turbo Machines and I C Engines. He has quite a few research publications to his credit and has participated in several workshops He is also a member of a few professional bodies
Email Id: narendra.kr@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

G C Vijayakumar, Professor at CIIRC®, holds Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from VTU together with an MBA in financial management from Southeastern University, USA, and B.E. (Mechanical Engineering) and M.E. (Machine Design) from Bangalore University. He has a combined experience of 38 years in academia, research, and industry in India and abroad. His experience spans academics/training management and administration, undergraduate (B.Tech.) and graduate (M.Tech., MBA) teaching, training need analysis, life skills and behavioral skills training, content design/development and delivery, faculty/trainer recruitment/selection and appraisal, vendor management, feedback design and implementation, faculty/management development programs, and strategic learning initiatives. While in the industry, he has held senior positions such as Vice President and Head – Training in an US$2billion, SEI CMM Level 5 organization in Muscat, Sultanate of Oman; Vice President – Projects and Processes and Vice President – Strategy and Programs in an organization within the international education and training space; Country Head – Training in an engineering design software distribution and implementation company; and, Training Manager in VIT University. He has a great flair for both teaching/training and active research; students receive him very well. His teaching interests include fluid mechanics, hydraulic machinery, design of machine elements, strength of materials, applied thermodynamics, I C engines, financial management, securities and portfolio management, and other management courses. His primary areas of research include analysis and prediction of business failure, general management, tribology, and thermal engineering. He has published several papers in both mechanical engineering and financial management in national and internal journals.
He has trained at organizations/institutions such as Bahwan CyberTek LLC, Muscat; CMR Institute of Technology; Centre for American Education Pvt. Ltd.; Dell Computers; Trent Ltd. (A Tata Enterprise); The Oxford College of Engg.; Prabhavati Builders and Developers Pvt. Ltd.; PES Inst. of Tech. and Mgmt., Shivamogga; RV College of Engg.; Unisys Ltd.; and VIT University, Vellore.
An indicative list of the training programs he has conducted include Assertiveness and Aggressiveness, Business Communication, Business Etiquette, Emotional Intelligence, Communication & Presentation Skills, Email and Telephone Etiquette, Emotional Intelligence, Leadership Skills (Managing to Leading), Conducting Effective Meetings, Conflict Management & Resolution, Creative Problem Solving, Effective Delegation, Effective Interviewing and GD skills, Managing and Leading Change Successfully, Strategic Decision Making, Team Building and Team Management Skills, and Unwind to Rewind (Stress Management).
Vijayakumar is a life member of ISTE and CSI, and a member of IIPE, ISTD and AIMA. His other interests are Sudoku, Kakuro, predictive astrology, horary astrology, and the stock market.
Email Id: vijay.gc@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Chandrasekhar K, Professor at the Centre, obtained his Ph.D. from VTU, with B.E. (Electronics) and M.E. (Electronics) from Bangalore University. He researches in the domain of signal processing & communication. He has contributed in building various new knowledge base to the domain on subjects like auto-correlation matrix implementation in LabVIEW™, and Monte Carlo simulation and its importance in data analysis using LabVIEW™. In his previous assignment, he headed the M.Tech. program in DSP & RF Communication streams at the Centre for Emerging Technologies, Jain University. Prior to that, he was Head of the Department of Telecommunication Engineering at KSIT, Bangalore, and was instrumental in building up the department, and the facilities, ground up. He has been in the academic field for 28 years. He is a Reviewer for the International Journal of Communication Systems. He was an invited session Chair for a national conference and is a member of the LIC committee, VTU. He is a life member of ISTE, FIE, and IEEE . He has many publications in journals and has presented at various conferences and workshops. His extracurricular activities include table tennis, cricket, football and swimming.
Email Id: chandra.k@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Muralidhara completed his Master’s and Ph.D. from Kuvempu University, Karnataka, and joined IISc, Bengaluru, as a Post-doctoral fellow in the year 2008. Subsequently, he got into the academic domain and worked as Head-R&D Chemistry at KSIT, Bangalore, and at the Centre for Emerging Technologies, Bengaluru. Muralidhara’s main research domains include electrochemistry and water purification. Research on Electrochemistry involves the development of low-cost Iron based flow batteries for renewable storage, electroactive materials for electrocatalysis, electrodeposition on metals/alloys or 3D plastics and electrochemical treatment of wastewater. Research on water purification includes design and characterization of hierarchical nanostructures for removal of heavy metal ions and dyes from contaminated water. He has completed projects funded by VTU and DOS, and currently has ongoing projects from DST.
Muralidhara has authored about sixty research articles and three books and book chapetrs. He has supervised five Ph.Ds, and more than thirty students at the Master’s level. Apart from basic and applied research, he is associated with projects having societal relevance and industrial/consultancy projects in the area of environment and electrochemistry. Muralidhara is a recipient of “MRSI Medal” by Materials Research Society of India. Recently, his project on ‘iron based redox flow batteries’, funded by DST, was listed as a successful project as per the compendium released by DST in its website. He is a life member for several professional bodies and reviewer for reputed publishers like Elsevier, Springer and Taylor and Francis. He is the recipient of best oral award in conferences, top cited articles award and best reviewer award from Elsevier. He has delivered many invited/plenary lectures and is currently working as an Associate Professor at the Centre.
Email : muralidhara.hb@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Umananda M Bhatta obtained his Master’s from University of Mysore, followed by Ph.D. in Physics from Institute of Physics (IOP), Bhubaneswar, affiliated to HomiBhabha National Institute (DAE undertaking). During his Ph.D., he was instrumental in developing in-situ TEM facility at IOP, where he conducted an extensive study on temperature dependent behaviour of Au thin films on various Si substrates. After completing his Ph.D., he was selected to work on an Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), UK, project, and undertook his postdoctoral research at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Sheffield. During this time, he worked on a project titled, “Building Ceramic Metamaterials from Nanoparticles: A combined Modelling, Tomography and In-situ Loading Study”, as part of an EPSRC project which involved collaborations with several other distinguished universities from the UK and USA. During his postdoctoral stint, Bhatta played a key role in studying the surface properties of ceramic nanomaterials using advanced electron microscopy techniques, including aberration corrected microscopy, nanotomograpy, electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) and nanoindentation, among others.
His major specialization includes advanced electron microscopy and associated techniques. He has vast experience in other domains of experimental surface physics, including X ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, ion beam synthesis and characterization. His main research interests include interactions at surfaces/interfaces of different nanomaterials/hetero epitaxial thin films, ion beam synthesis (IBA), and characterization and in-situ thermal and mechanical studies of nanomaterials.
He received the DST Young Scientist Research Grant through which he worked on a project titled, “Structural and Chemical Studies of metal/metal oxide thin films on glass/silicon surfaces for solar cell applications”. He is also involved in a collaborative project with UGC-DAE-CSR in the field of Ion Beam Synthesis of embedded nanostructures.Currently, he is an Associate Professor at CIIRC®.
GoogleScholar: http://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?hl=en&user=vcuI5skAAAAJ&view_op=list_works&cstart=20
Email Id: umananda.b@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in
Dr. Harshavardhan Tiwari | Associate Prof. | Ph.D. – JIITU | Computer Science | Information Security

Harshvardhan Tiwari received his Ph.D. degree in CSE from JIIT University, Noida, UP, India. He completed his Prost-Graduation (M.Tech.) and graduate study (B.E.) both in Computer Science and Engineering from RGTU, Bhopal, MP, in 2009 and 2005 respectively. His research interests are Machine Learning, Data Science, Deep Learning, Computer Networks, Algorithms, DBMS, and Cryptography. He has more than 9 years of teaching and research experience. He has several publications to his credit that are SCOPUS and DBLP indexed. During his academic career, he taught courses such as Python Application Programming, Machine Learning, Operating System, Computer Architecture and Organization, Database Management System, Cryptography, Computer Networks, and Web Technologies. Apart from teaching, he is an active researcher and currently an advisor of 4 research scholars. He is also a member of the technical program committee of referred journals and conference proceedings. He is actively involved in curriculum planning and syllabus design at an engineering college for graduate level program. He has been an external examiner at other universities. He has participated in different FDPs and is a member of many professional scientific bodies such as IEI, IAENG, and ICST.
Email Id: harshvardhan.t@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Raghavendra Krishna is a 3D Printing (3DP) research facilitator at the Centre. His 3DP research focuses on novel design and development of products for multiple applications ranging from Art to Architecture and Engineering to Medicine. Raghavendra is an Associate Professor of Additive Manufacturing and Rapid prototyping in the Department of Mechanical Engineering where he teaches Post Graduate and Undergraduate students. He has published several Books and Book Chapters in the domain of Additive manufacturing with special emphasis on 3D Printing. Previously, he worked for CMTI, Bangalore, and as a researcher at NITK. He was involved in design and development of Microstereolithography to develop micro scale components for use in medical applications. His development work has been published in various peer-reviewed Conferences, Journals and Books.
Raghavendra has a Doctoral Degree in Additive Manufacturing with Master’s in Manufacturing Technology from NITK Surathkal and Bachelors in Mechanical Engineering from VTU Belgaum. Continuing his Research at CIIRC® – JIT in 3D Printing, He is also as a promoter of Indian Manufacturing domains through www.mfggateway.com, GoKhaadi and also works with Indian naturopathy medicine practioners in his spare time through Naivaidhya.
Email Id: raghavendra.r@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Chandre Gowda, a water resources engineer and GATE scholar, graduated with a Master’s from IIT (Chennai) and Ph.D. from National Institute of Technology, Suratkal, in 2015. His research activity includes rainfall runoff modeling, and derivation of operation policy for small, medium and large hydraulic structures. Ongoing research includes the development of commercial products from waste generated by quarry, urban flash flood management and development of local water treatment units for medium and micro scale. Besides two years of industrial exposure in site work execution, he has more than 11 years of research and teaching experience at various institutes. He has published papers in numerous national and international journals. He has presented many lectures and conference papers at a number of institutes and universities. He is an associate member of the Institutions of Engineers India.
Email Id: chandre.gowda@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Uma Ullas holds a Ph.D. in Electronics from the University of Mysore. She is currently an Associate Professor at the Centre. Earlier, she was a courtesy Associate Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Florida International University, Miami, USA, between January 2017 and February 2018. She has over 23 years of academic, research and consultancy experience. Her core areas of work include nanomaterials-based coatings, nanomaterial-based sensors, and nanomaterial-based conductive inks, with special interest in biomedical devices.
Uma is actively engaged with industry for various nanomaterial-based activities. She is a research consultant for Indeutsch Industries Pvt. Ltd., AGI resources Ltd., and SJS Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. She has published several papers and has written book chapters in international and national journals. She is a member of the Board of Studies and the Board of Examiners of various institutions. She has also authored a book on electronics for students pursuing Bachelor’s degree at Bangalore University.
Email id : uma.ullas@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Roopa Reddy, a genetics and cancer biology researcher, is currently an Associate Professor in Cell and Molecular Biology Laboratory. After her initial training in microbiology in India, she pursued her studies and obtained an MS degree in Veterinary and Biomedical Sciences from University of Nebraska (UNL), Lincoln, and a Ph.D. in Medical Sciences from the University of Nebraska Medical Centre (UNMC), Omaha, USA. With about nine years of research experience in different domains of biology, including microbiology, genetics and molecular biology, and cancer biology, her current research is focused on understanding the dynamics of cell junction complexes during tumor progression. Using yeast as a model organism, she has identified many novel protein-protein interactions and potential binding partners of the protein of interest by screening whole cDNA library of humans.
In collaboration with the computational engineering group at the Centre, she is involved in developing a software for identifying multiple cancer biomarkers from whole genome sequence data of cancer patients, which holds great promise for personalized cancer therapy. The proposed software can be applicable for diagnosis, clinical and translational research and can be used for academic purposes. Other areas of her research interest include understanding host pathogen interactions in disease conditions and elucidating the mechanism of action of anti-cancerous properties of selected medicinal plants.
She was a recipient of prestigious Fellowship from University of Nebraska (UNL) during her MS program. In recognition of her work in cancer research during her Ph.D. program, she was awarded the highly competitive and prestigious Graduate Research Fellowship through the University of Nebraska Medical Centre (UNMC) for three successive years. She has publications in some of the high impact factor international journals. As part of her academic responsibilities, she currently teaches Food Chemistry for M.Tech. (Food Technology) students. Apart from her research and academic activities, she has been instrumental in guiding students in their short term internship projects. She has conducted workshops on cell based assays and sophisticated instruments, and is a consultant for a few industry projects.
Email Id: roopa.reddy@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.

Soumitra Banerjee obtained his master’s and doctoral degrees from IIT, Kharagpur (India). He is the recipient of a research fellowship from Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR), New Delhi. He has about six years of teaching experience and has guided M. Tech. and B. Tech. students for their research projects. He has filed a few patents and published a number of papers in national and international journals. He is a life member of Association of Food Scientists & Technologists (India) and an active reviewer for the Journal of Food Science and Technology (Springer). He currently works as Associate Professor at the Centre. His research focuses on preservation of Indian food products, micronutrient fortification, plant-based protein extraction and development of value-added food products.
Email Id: soumitra.banerjee@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Meenakshi H N holds a doctorate in Chemistry from Avinashlingam University, Coimbatore, in 2013, for her work in the area of biodiesel compatibility on industrial metals. Being a chemist, she is motivated to research on corrosion of metals and their inhibition, biofuels and compatibility of biofuels with automotive materials in her master’s and doctoral programs. She worked as a Research Member in DST sponsored research project entitled “Corrosion behavior of few industrial metals in selected biodiesels”. She was a recipient of DST-CURIE fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology – Consolidation of University Research for innovation and excellence. She was also awarded the prestigious Commonwealth Professional Fellowship from the UK Department for International Development to enhance knowledge and skills through specialized training at Robert Gordon University, Aberdeen, besides the proficiency prize at the post graduate level in 2004 at Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore. She has presented several papers at various national and international conferences including OCEANS’17 MTS/IEEE conference, Aberdeen, Scotland, ISSC-17, Manchester, UK. Her research areas include biofuel synthesis, characterization, catalyst preparation and investigation on fuel-material interaction. She has built a conducive research and teaching environment by guiding Ph.D. scholars, graduates and post graduate students. Additionally, she has been successful in obtaining good amount of grants from different sources like VGST, KSCST, DST etc. to support her research and development activities. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Centre.
Email Id: meenakshi.hn@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Padmashree Anand, an alumnus of Mangalore University, holds a Ph.D. in Material Science. She has specialized in ancient Indian materials with reference to Bharadwaja’s Vymanika Sastra on Vataharanaloha and Panchaloha. She holds a Master’s in Organic Chemistry and a Master’s in Sanskrit from KSOU having topped the university. She has undergone NPTEL online certifications in Casting Technology, Ancient Indian Sciences and Architectural Conservation and Historic Preservation from IITs. Besides these, she has completed several courses/programs such as Conservation Science Training and Research Programme (CoSTAR) – Module 1 at Lakshmi Mittal and Family South Asia Institute, Harvard University, in association with Harvard Art Museums, Harvard University & Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj Vastu Sangrahalaya; Prakrit Ratna from National Institute of Prakrit Studies & Research, Shravanabelagola; Diploma in Built Heritage Studies and Conservation, University of Mumbai; and, PGD in Manuscriptology and Paleography, IGNCA, Bengaluru. She is a certified manuscript conservator and has been in the academia and research for over last sixteen years.
Her current research interests include studies on ancient Indian science and technology with focus on metallurgy and civil engineering; ancient food science and technology with particular reference to pilot food as in Bharadwaja’s Vymanika Sastra; and encryption techniques as used in ancient India and manuscriptology. She has knowledge of a few ancient scripts such as Brahmi, Sharada, Grantha, Tigalari, Kannada Modi and Nandinagari. She was actively involved in R&D activities in DST funded projects on solar cells and played a key role in the successful completion of the BPR&D project. She has presented papers at national and international conferences and has a few publications to her credit. Padmashree Anand has also undergone comprehensive training on Leadership and Career Development for Women Scientists / Technologists organized by DST and Indo-US Science & Technology Forum, IISER, Pune and COACH International, USA. She is also a certified coffee brewer and has interest in music and is working as an Assistant Professor.
Email Id: padmashree.a@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Nagananda obtained his Master’s degree in Botany from Bangalore University in the year 2005 with specialization in Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture and Cytogenetics; Master of Philosophy from Bharathidasan University in 2008 on developing a herbicide resistant variety in Vigna radiata through somaclonal variations; and Doctor of Philosophy in Botany from Karpagam University with the thesis entitled “In vitro propagation and conservation of Flickingeria nodosa a vulnerable Orchid plant of high medicinal value” and also awarded the Askel Love prize for the best original research paper. Under the guidance of Prof. Ananda Rao, Orchidologist and former president, “The Orchid Society of Karnataka”. Nagananda was instrumental in establishing an open air orchidarium in Lalbhag , where he collected numerous orchids from the Western Ghats and developed a strong database on the medicinal aspect of orchids. His work on Orchids was highlighted in Agricell Report, USA, in the cover page as “Brick Pieces – A novel plant tissue culture supporting material.” He has been awarded with a Research Grant from VGST, GoK. His other areas of interest include traditional medicine, Hindustani and Carnatic music. He has numerous publications and products developed to his credit. Currently, he an Assistant Professor at the Centre.
Email Id: nagananda.gs@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Swetha Seshagiri has a Master’s degree in Microbiology from Government Science College, Bangalore, and a Doctoral degree from Jain University for her thesis entitled “Interactions of Piriformospora indica with Solanum melongena L.” She has eight years of research experience having worked as Researcher at the Centre for Emerging Technologies, Jain University. Swetha has worked on inactivation of water borne pathogens using nanoparticles (water disinfection) and on antimicrobial activity of newly formulated Ayurvedic drugs. She has filed three patents, alongside twenty five publications in peer reviewed international journals and attended several national and international conferences. She has attended several entrepreneur development programmes. She has successfully worked on projects of VTU, DST and DRDO during her research career and successfully completed Early Career grant from DST. Additionally, Swetha is a certified Coffee barista and taster. She is an Assistant Professor at the Centre.
Email Id: swetha.s@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Minchitha obtained her Master’s degree in Industrial Chemistry from Kuvempu University and her doctoral degree from Jain University for her work in the field of heterogeneous catalysis. Minchitha has about eleven years of research experience and has published fourteen research articles in peer reviewed International and National journals. She has also presented her findings in International and National conferences and has received the outstanding researcher award from Jain University in 2012. She also received the best paper award from Jain University in 2015. She is a member of the Catalysis Society of India. She has guided several M.Sc. student projects in the field of catalysis. Her areas of interest include applications of Multiwalled carbon nanotubes in catalysis and water purification. Minchitha is currently working as an Assistant Professor at the Centre.
Email Id: minchitha.ku@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Swarrna Haldar obtained her doctoral degree from IIT, Kharagpur. She is a recipient of research fellowships from Department of Biotechnology (DBT), New Delhi, and has worked as Product Manager/NIR Application specialist at Soquence Innovation Pvt. Ltd., a sister company of Zeutec Optoelektronik GmbH (Germany). She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Centre. Her research focuses on the utilization of industrial food waste and under utilized seeds for the recovery of valuable products. She is a Life Member of the Association of Food Scientists and Technologists (India).
Email Id: swarrnahalda@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Kashma is currently working as a Research Scientist at the Centre, developing biosensors for resource-limited settings. She has been awarded a fellowship from the Department of Science and Technology under the women scientist scheme to support her work on pathogen detection using biosensors. She has entrepreneurial experience, being part of a start-up and has attended numerous workshops including a bootcamp conducted by IIMB. Her core background is in Electrical Engineering with a Ph.D. specializing in Electro-Optics from Drexel University, USA. Her dissertation work focused on designing and fabricating thin films, for remote sensing applications. This was a NASA funded project and resulted in a patent. Her multidisciplinary background includes electrical engineering, optics, material science and biotechnology.
Email Id: kashma.rai@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Avinash Narayanaswamy completed his Bachelor’s in Chemical Engineering from Rashtriya Vidyalaya College of Engineering (RVCE), Bangalore, in 2004 and followed it up with two Masters Degrees in the fields of Sustainable Energy Technology and Environmental and Energy Management from the University of Twente, the Netherlands, in 2009 and 2015 respectively. His primary interests are clean fuels and environmental protection and thus his interest in being part of eco-friendly trips such as the ones on biodiesel. His first trip using 100% biodiesel was across mainland Europe in 2010 covering ten European countries and followed it up with another trip across five south Indian states also on 100% biodiesel in 2011. He was featured on both print and digital media both in Netherlands and India. Avinash has also successfully completed two online courses: Climate Change Science and Negotiations from the University of Columbia- New York and Planetary Boundaries and Human Opportunities from the Stockholm Resilience Centre- Sweden. His other passions include traveling, wildlife and nature photography, hiking, working for the underprivileged and physically and mentally challenged children, animals in distress and promoting vegetarianism. With close to 8 years of prior work experience in the field of chemical engineering and bioenergy, Avinash is currently working as an Assistant Professor.
Email Id: avinash.n@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Skanda Kumar holds a B.Tech. in Civil Engineering with a Master’s Degree in Transportation and Engineering Management, and a Ph.D. from Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU). Skanda Kumar has more than 8 years of teaching experience and has served in various prestigious institutes. He has actively contributed to industrial consultancy work undertaken at the Centre. His areas of interest include Highway Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Surveying, Concrete Technology, Building Materials, and Construction Technology, Transportation planning, Traffic Engineering & Management, Quality Control, Engineering Mechanics, and Road Safety. A few notable projects which have evinced industrial interest include Travel Delay and Modal Split Analysis – A Case Study, Utilization of Iron Ore Tailings as Replacement to Fine Aggregates in Cement Concrete Pavements, and Development of CLSM incorporating CETP Sludge for Pavement Subgrades. He has served as Assistant Professor at JSSATE – Mauritius, DSCE, and Jain University. He is a Life Member of the Association of Consulting Civil Engineers India (MACCE-I) and Associate Member of The Institution of Engineers (India).
Email : skanda.bn@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Sandeep Suryan is a postgraduate in industrial biotechnology from Bharathiar University, Tamil Nadu, and is an Assistant Professor at the Centre. After his post-graduation, he sharpened his skills in bioprocess engineering from IIT, New Delhi. Previously, he worked at Genohelix Biolabs where he was actively involved in research, training, administration, management of lab resources and marketing of courses and services. He then moved to the Centre for Emerging Technologies, Jain University, where he pursued research on plant secondary metabolites and explored their therapeutic potential. Sandeep’s core research interests are recombinant DNA technology and fermentation biotechnology. He is also actively involved in multidisciplinary research. He has several publications in international journals and has received accolades for outstanding contribution to research activities at Jain University. Besides his professional interests, Sandeep is passionate about travelling, photography, and automobiles.
Email Id: sandeep.s@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Deepak Ingale has a Master’s in VLSI and Embedded Systems. He has over ten years of academic experience and two years of industrial experience with Wipro Technologies. He has worked as an Assistant Professor at the Centre for Emerging Technologies and had been involved in setting up a DSP Laboratory, where he actively taught M.Tech. students. He has designed and delivered value added programs on PCB Designing using KiCad, LABVIEW and built embedded systems for hobby using ARDUINO.
He was involved in designing the electronics part of the nano-biosensor for ammonia detection used in micro air vehicles for a project funded by NP-MICAV (DST-DRDO). He is a mentor for Atal Tinkering Labs, student innovator program, under Atal Innovation Mission, where he guides and helps students from various schools across the country to take their innovative ideas to the prototype stage, and finally to product level. He and his team also provide consultancy services to start-up companies by implementing hardware and software solutions for IoT platforms and help them in resolving technical issues. He has published several papers in various national and international journals. Currently, he is an Assistant Professor at the Centre.
Email Id: deepak.vi@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Nayana G Bhat received her Bachelor’s degree in EEE from VTU and Master’s in CSE from Kuvempu University. Currently, she is pursuing her Ph.D from VTU. She has taught several undergraduate computer science courses and has guided a number of undergraduate projects. She has more than 8 years of teaching experience and is a researcher having 4+ years of experience in whole-cell modelling and simulation. She has participated in many national and international conferences, FDPs, seminars and workshops. She is a member of CSI and ISTE. Her research interests include bioinformatics, parallel computing, and image processing. She is currently an Assistant Professor at the Centre.
Email Id: nayana.gb@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Chandan Kumar Sahu obtained his education from Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth, Dapoli, and IIT, Kharagpur. He qualified GATE and NET (Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board, Dept. of Agricultural Research and Education, GoI) exams. He is a recipient of national talent scholarship from Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi. He has six years’ experience, and has publications and patents to his credit. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Centre. His research focuses on simple sensory evaluation models, technologies for improving shelf life of fruits and formulation of energy drinks. He also runs a start-up.
Email Id: chandan.kumar@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Krishna Kishore is basically a Mechanical Engineer by profession with a Master’s in Energy Engineering. He has over 14 years of experience in UAV systems. Having worked with Honeywell for a couple of years, he has honed his skills in autonomous system development and is currently the programme head of Micro Air Vehicle development. He has been the team leader for numerous events in mission mode and recently bagged the first place at NPMICAV 2014 hosted by DRDO and CSIR under the team name “Silver Arrow”. He has been one of the co founders of Drone Aero, a company focusing on development of drone technology.
He has been responsible for the radio modem, auto pilot development and GCS. His other interests include developing marine and terrestrial based autonomous systems. He is also an avid aero-modeller. He and his team have won several awards including the Honeywell Team excellence award and Best MICAV design by DRDO and CSIR. He specializes in both fixed and rotary platforms and is a good guitar player besides being a Wildlife enthusiast. At Honeywell, he initially worked on the development of UAVs and later joined the system engineering group where he was involved in product development from conceptualization to production. He has wide experience in the domains of aerospace, industrial automation, home and building solutions and autonomous systems. He is a Principal Research Engineer at the Centre.
Email Id: krishna.k@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Prasanna V Bhat has a Bachelors in Electrical and Electronic Engineering with a Masters in RF Communications. He has over 5+ Years of experience at Drone Aerospace Systems in the field of Testing, Embedded and UAV systems. At Drone Aerospace, he has honed his skills in autonomous system development. He has been the team member of numerous events in mission mode and recently bagged the second place at NPMICAV 2014 hosted by DRDO and CSIR under the team name “Mighty Hawks”. His other interests include developing marine and terrestrial based autonomous systems. He currently works as a Senior Engineer at CIIRC®.
Email Id: prasanna.vb@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Keshava Gowtham, currently working as a Research Engineer at the Centre, has a B.E. in Information Science and an M.Tech. in Computer Networks from VTU, and has an overall work experience of about eight years. He has worked on Micro Air vehicles Systems peripheral interfacing, comprising of various MEMS sensors and ARM-based microcontrollers. His areas of interest include embedded devices programming, IoT and Android app development. He has extensively worked on developing a prototype for the juvenile arthritis machine developed in the lab and completed a number of IoT related in-house projects. He is a mentor for Atal Tinkering labs, a student innovator program under Attal Innovation Mission, where he has guided and helped students from various schools across the country to take their innovative ideas to the prototype stage, and finally to product level. He and his team also provide consultancy services to start-up companies by implementing hardware and software solutions for IoT platforms and helps them in resolving technical issues.
Email Id: keshava.gns@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in

Chandrashekar holds a Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering along with two PG Diplomas in the domains of Environmental Pollution Control and Industrial Fire Safety. He is currently a Research Engineer at the centre. He has nearly ten years of prior work experience and during these years he has worked with Pharmaceutical, Effluent Treatment (CETP), and Analytical testing companies. The expertise gained over these various domains is being utilized in furthering research in Environmental related projects such as Bio fuels and energy recovery from waste. He has done short term courses on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), Quality Management System (QMS), and Industrial Safety Engineering.
Email Id: chandrashekhar.r@ciirc.jyothyit.ac.in